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鉅亨網新聞中心 2015-09-25 15:12

markets remain in a state of nervousness and the higher beta currencies sold off yesterday with audusd dipping just below the 0.7000 level overnight for the first time in two weeks. investors continue to rely heavily on cues from central bankers and in a speech yesterday mario draghi kept his cards close to his chest saying it was too early to make a call on whether the ecb’s qe program will be intensified which gave the single currency a little support. later today and a week on from the fed’s decision to keep rates on hold janet yellen will be giving a speech at the university of massachusetts. designed to be a lecture on inflation and monetary policy, it is likely to be used as an opportunity by the fed chair to help clarify where they stand on the path of interest rates following the convoluted messages in last week’s fomc press conference.

市場仍然處於一種緊張的狀態,比如昨天有更多風險貨幣被賣出,而昨天澳元美元這個貨幣對兩周以來第一次下跌到了 0.7000 之下。投資者繼續嚴重依賴來自央行銀行家的提示,比如昨天歐洲央行總裁 mario draghi 在一次演講中仍然相當謹慎,他說現在就實行歐洲央行的量化寬鬆還為時太早;這一言論給了歐元一點支撐的力量。今天晚間,也就是美聯儲維持利率決定發布一周之后,美聯儲主席耶倫將在麻省大學發表講話。這場演講主題為通脹以及貨幣政策,也有可能被耶倫利用,成為澄清其關於利率走向問題觀點的機會;這都是因為上周 fomc 的新聞發布會傳遞的資訊實在是讓人覺得糊涂。

ahead of that speech, due this evening at 22.00 uk time, there’s german ifo data which can often move the single currency and is expected to dip a little from august. eurusd is just above the 1.1200 level this morning with near term resistance seen at 1.1220 and 1.1280. also before yellen’s speech there is us durable goods data, then new home sales.

演講之前,英國時間今天晚上的 22 點還有德國的 ifo 數據,這個數據經常能對歐元造成影響,預期這個數據比八月會稍有下降。今天上午歐元美元僅僅高於 1.1200,近期阻力點估計會在 1.1220 和 1.1280。同時在耶倫演講之前,還有美國的耐用品數據以及新房銷售數據。


