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Macronix’s DEC18 revenue plunged but FY18 revenue hit a record high

鉅亨網編譯凌郁涵 2019-01-07 18:45

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Macronix’s DEC18 revenue decline to a 22-month low but its FY18 revenue hit a record high.

Macronix (2337-TW), the world"s biggest NOR flash memory chipmaker, announced today on Jan 7th that its consolidated DEC18 revenue was NTD2.43bn. Due to the impact of the US-China trade war to terminal demands, 4Q18 peak season failed to materialize. Its DEC18 revenue was below NTD3bn ( -32.9% MoM, -31.25% YoY), and declined to the lowest level since Mar17. Its consolidated 4Q18 revenue was NTD8.81bn (-10.46% QoQ, -14.95% YoY). Its consolidated FY18 revenue reached NTD36.953bn (+8.1% YoY), hitting a record high.

Macronix’s 3Q18 inventory was NTD17.16bn, increased by NTD2.863bn QoQ. Regarding the proportion of the inventory, Flash and ROM accounted for 40% and 60% respectively. Its largest inventory is still in Nintendo product segment.

Catalyzed by peak season for ROM shipment, its Oct18 revenue hit a year high. However, due to the news of Nintendo’s pull-in implied more optimistic outlook but the terminal demand declined, Macronix’s NOV18 ROM shipment was weaker-than-expected and decreased by 20% MoM. Its Dec18 revenue was reduced by 30% MoM, indicating that Nintendo"s shipment momentum was indeed affected by the US-China trade war, and its 4Q18 peak season failed to materialize.

The legal person pointed out that since Macronix "s inventory still maintains a certain level, the company may recognize inventory write-off loss in 4Q18 and write-back of inventory impairment provision after inventory digestion. On the other hands, the patent dispute between Macronix and Toshiba has ended. Toshiba has to pay Macronix USD80mn. It is expected to contribute EPS NTD 1.4 per share to Macronix’s 4Q18.



