Shin Kong’s net value rebounded more than NTD110bn in one quarter
鉅亨網編譯凌郁涵 2019-03-28 18:30

Shin Kong Financial Holdings (2888-TW) held an investors conference today on March 28th. Shin Kong Financial chief financial officer Hsu Shun-yun told that due to the stock market crash in 4Q18, Shin Kong’s unrealized loss of financial assets was nearly NTD110bn at the end of last year. However, with the stabilization of the capital market this year, it has returned to gain. In other words, the net value rebounded more than NTD110bn just in one quarter.
Shin Kong’s FY18 consolidated net profit was NTD10.48bn. The net profit attributable to the parent company was NTD9.75bn. Its FY18 EPS was NTD0.89.
After the stock market crash in 4Q18, Shin Kong’s net value reduced by NTD34.9bn in one quarter. Under fair value measurement, such as overlay approach and other comprehensive income, Shin Kong’s unrealized loss was NTD19.49bn. However, with the stabilization of the capital market this year, the net value has rebounded to NTD89bn. Other components of equity have also returned to gain. Calculated by amortized cost, the net value rebounded more than NTD110bn.
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