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Catcher Technology holds a positive view on future demand for NB

鉅亨網編譯凌郁涵 2019-06-12 21:31

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Catcher Technology holds a positive view on future demand for NB.

Catcher Technology (2474-TW) held a shareholders meeting today on June 12nd. The chairman Shui-shu, Hong (洪水樹) told that the growth momentum of NB segment is satisfactory, and the company holds a positive view on future. Regarding wearable products, some products have been mass-produced and Magic Leap, an American startup company with AR technology, is one of our clients. Hong also told that although the company has achieved some gains in this field, the revenue proportion is still small, compared to smartphone and NB segments, and it still needs time.

Regarding sluggish global smartphone market, Hong believed that it differs from brands. He told that the sales of NBs remain flat or even declined in the past years, however, the company’s NB segment continued to grow. He pointed out that it depends on the product positioning of the brands and the competitiveness in the market.

Hong emphasized that the shortage of Intel’s CPU may eased in the next few months. At present, the growth momentum of NB segment is satisfactory, and the company holds a positive view on future .

