馨彩恬居 Colorful Sweet Home|戬創堂設計
DECO TV 2022-09-07 10:41
撰文者 - DECO TV 編輯部
資料暨圖片提供 - 戩創堂室內裝修設計工作室
馨彩恬居 Colorful Sweet Home
本案為集合式單層住宅規劃,室內面積約 100 餘平方米,除了前期貼身檢討符合小家庭成員需求的格局、動線,其風格設計靈感與色彩計畫,主要取材自屋主喜愛的北歐自然風,以及懸掛於餐廳牆面,一幅童話色彩濃郁的「藍魚」畫作,進而衍生發散於全境不同單元的藍綠、蘋果綠、粉膚橘、藕灰,以及三維向量間大範圍的溫暖木質系,以營造沈穩、舒適且具情感包容力的空間底蘊。
This project is a multi-dwelling apartment planning with an indoor area of approximately over 100m2. Other than a close review on the layout and circulation that conforms to the needs of a small family during the early phase, the design style inspiration and color planning mainly adopted the Nordic natural style favored by the house owner, as well as a “Blue Fish” painting with strong fairytale colors hanging on the wall of the dining room. This was then developed into the bluish-green, apple green, pinkish-orange and purplish-grey colors for the different units in the entire space, as well as the large scope of warm wooden series within the 3D vectors, thereby creating a steady, comfortable spatial ambience with tolerance for emotions.
為了提升居宅健康指數、延長材料使用壽命,全室地坪統一採用耐磨、防水、質感純粹的 PVC 地板施作,僅於玄關區和公領域之間,透過不同地材花色順勢區隔裡外,並搭配優質系統櫃、面料、烤漆塗裝、分區重點照明等技巧,依序滿足大容量收納、藏品展示、情境塑造、場域機能轉換與互補等需求,為新、速、實、簡的人性化居家積極代言。
To enhance the health index for the residence and to extend the lifespan of the materials, the entire flooring of the space has adopted PVC for the construction, which is scratch-durable, water-proof with pure quality, where the only different pattern is used between the foyer and the public area to segment the inside from the outside. The demands for large storage, display of collectibles, scenario sculpturing, as well as functional transformation and complementation of venues are satisfied accordingly via techniques including quality systematic cabinets, surface materials, spray paint coatings and partitioned key lighting, making it the active role model for new, fast, practical and simple human-oriented housing.
來源:《DECO TV》9 月
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