Global Wafer’s FY19 revenue is expected to continue to grow
鉅亨網編譯凌郁涵 2019-04-24 17:57

Global Wafer’s (6488-TW) 8” wafer plant at Novara in northern Italy is the company’s largest 8” wafer plant. Its annual wafer capacity is 5 million units and its FY18 revenue accounted for 10% of Global Wafer’s total revenue. The plant’s capacity in FY19 is expected to increase by 2.5%. As capacity can be fully utilized, its revenue is expected to grow continuously. At present, the plant still has 30,000 square meters reserved for future expansion. At that time, the capacity is expected to double, or be used for expanding 12” wafer capacity.
The Novara plant produces MEMS, automotive electronics, power management, discrete devices, contact contact image sensor, etc. It has more than 500 product portfolios and produces 100 new products per year. The clinets now include NXP, STMicroelectronics, Infineon, Bosch, etc.
Marco Sciamanna, the manager of Global Crystal’s Novara plant, told that Novara"s wafer capacity has increased by nearly 40% in the past 3 years. Its FY18 revenue accounted for 10% of Global Crystal"s total revenue and good ASP leads better profit than the average. Catalyzed by continuously de-bottlenecked in the past 2 years for yield rate improvement, its FY19 capacity is expected to increase by 2.5%, and lead the revenue to grow YoY slightly .
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